Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Allergy Disease: Allergy Symptoms, Causes, Types and Treatment Tips

Allergy disease is caused due to allergen, a non-symbiotic antigen that stimulates hypersensitivity reaction. Every human has immune system to protect the skin and body from such antigens. But some people have the higher level of sensitivity. After entering in the system of such extra sensitive people, the antigen substance causes allergy symptoms. The antigen enters in the human body through food, breath, injection, or may be through skincontact.The allergy disease can be triggered through dust, certain drugs, chemicals, animal hair, fur, pollen grains and many foodstuffs. The allergies can be classified in two categories: 
Seasonal Allergies
Recurring Allergies
The seasonal allergy symptoms are expected to be during some particular seasons in a year. They are mostly triggered by the ingesting, inhaling or injecting certain substances such as pollen grains, weed or grasses and may lead to a continuous allergic response. The recurring allergies can arise at any point of time throughout the whole year. Mostly such allergies are caused by the fur and hairs of pet animals or indoor/outdoor dust.

Another type of allergy disease is known as food allergy. This is caused due to consuming certain eatables such as peanuts, corn, meat, eggs, milk, chocolates, etc.
The general allergy symptoms are breathing problem, skin irritation, itching, skin redness, running nose and sneezing. Few of the patients have complained about feeling nausea, vomiting and headache as well. The lateral sever stages of allergy disease may result in Asthma, anaphylaxis shocks, low blood pressure, sinus and skin infections.
Allergy Types, Symptoms and Diagnosis
  • Pollen AllergyPollen grains are the reproductive parts of the plants which involves in pollination to produce new and....
  • Semen AllergyA rare allergic reaction ever compared to others. Its symptoms include vaginal itching......
  • Drug AllergyDrugs are life saving elements which are required in milligrams to micrograms. They play a..........
  • Nickel AllergyAlex Fredrik cronstedt, in 1751, discovered Nickel. It is one of the four ferromagnetic elements. It appears ...........
  • Animal AllergyAllergy caused by pets and animals are natural. This happens when the animal or pet is not properly ...........
  • Perfume AllergyPleasant fragrance and fresh feel of perfume also causes terrific allergic symptoms. Allergic rhinitis is........
  • Dust AllergyDust is a combined collection of dust mites, pet dander and remains of insects. It is common to.........
  • Skin AllergiesSkin rashes that are caused of no infection may be due to change of toilet soap and exposure to sun for..........
  • Latex AllergyAllergic reaction to natural rubber latex is known to cause four types of hypersensitivity ......
  • Aspirin AllergyAspirin is the derivative of salicylic acid is used for its analgesic activity mainly; also provide..........
  • Dairy AllergyHuman secretion and animal secretion are the two types of milk. Of these animal secreting is known as dairy.......

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