Sometimes prolonged symptoms of cold which is misunderstood as cold might be the symptoms of flue and delayed treatment of the same can create severity and complication. It is very important to know the symptoms of flue to avoid delayed medical attention. Flu symptoms are continuous high temperature and chills whereas in case of cold temperature will not be very high and continuous. Flu symptoms do not or rarely bring in sore throat which is quite likely in case of symptoms of cold. Headaches in case of cold symptoms are on the lower side but in case of symptoms of Flu are quite common. There are tests for flue but not for cold. So in case of symptoms of flue, one should immediately get the medical attention and get the flue test done. The appropriate treatment given by doctor only can cure flue where as in case of cold, home remedies are sufficient.
The human body suffers from many diseases from time to time and to some extent they are not ignorable. Influenza is one such disease that can be very fatal...
The common cold is a nuisance that plagues people around the globe. It has long been suspected that the act of smoking can make a person more susceptible...
Tamiflu is an influenza medication that acts as both a prevention to contracting the flu and a way to help rid infected people of the flu. Despite it’s effectiveness...
Cold symptoms and Flu symptoms can be very frustrating to all of us. Cold symptoms often include such nasty things as coughing, sneezing, running nose...

The Truth About Flu And The Flu Vaccine
Everyone knows about the flue and the flu vaccine. The flue vaccine, usually called a flu shot, protects people against the flu. In general...
So, lets discuss what are swine flu symptoms. The severity of swine flue varies from temperate to deadly. Most people infected with...

Cold and flu prevention requires maintaining a healthy immune system to ward off infection. Beta carotene play a role in the function...

If I think I have swine flu, what should I do? Let us answer to this question. We can´t live in a glass bubble, breathing filtered...

So, what is swine flu? There are some difference between seasonal flu and swine flu. Seasonal flu appears at certain times of the year...

The most common means of spreading cold and flu infections is through hand contact such as shaking hands and touching surfaces such...
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