Blood Pressure disease is caused due to various different reasons. But some commonly known reasons are bad food habits and high mental stress.
Blood pressure disease is caused when the pressure of blood on arteries for blood circulation differs from the normal pressure than expected one. During each heart beat, the pressure of blood on arteries varies between the maximum and the minimum. The maximum is systolic level and the minimum is diastolic pressure. Generally the blood pressure is measured on person’s upper arm in case of Blood pressure disease. Normal blood pressure of a healthy human being is expected to be 120 (systolic) and 80 (diastolic).
Blood pressure higher than the above levels for either systolic or diastolic is called condition of hi-blood pressure disease. There are different stages of this disease and the higher stage leads to high risk of cardiac arrest. Generally, patients of hypertension complain about headaches, dizziness, high perspiration, etc.
Blood pressure higher than the above levels for either systolic or diastolic is called condition of hi-blood pressure disease. There are different stages of this disease and the higher stage leads to high risk of cardiac arrest. Generally, patients of hypertension complain about headaches, dizziness, high perspiration, etc.
Similarly the lower level of blood pressure is a condition of low- blood pressure disease. Low blood pressure is relative to person’s normal blood pressure levels and can vary from person to person. In some cases normal blood pressure levels being on normal side might be healthy. Very low blood pressure in comparison to person’s normal blood pressure is the condition of low blood pressure disease.
There are no specific symptoms in case of Blood pressure disease. This is the reason it is called silent killer Hypertension which leads to damage of heart and also subsequently effects on kidney. These are both highly dangerous situations for the patient. The heart is not able to pump enough blood and oxygen to brain and other organs. Blood pressure can lead to dangerous situation like organ failure.

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