Thursday, June 2, 2011

Latex Allergy | Harming Properties of Latex

Allergic reaction to natural rubber latex is known to cause four types of hypersensitivity of which two of them is renowned to cause horrible reaction.

Type I:
It is serious but unusual form of life threatening reaction. RAST is the only blood test available to speculate the antibody involved in causing allergic reaction. People who are allergic to latex are known to be allergic to the fabric and confectioneries made of or containing the natural rubber latex. They are prone to be separated from using such products.

Type II: allergic contact dermatitis:
It is characterized by developed skin rashes with blistering and oozing of the skin. Especially these types of latex allergy are caused by chemicals used in processing the rubber. The particular chemical creating the problem is identified and the same rubber products which are processed with some other chemicals are advised to be used by person showing latex allergy. But the problem is yet to be solved unless the chemical causing latex allergy is not detected.

Who are at most risks?

Children show more than average in getting allergic reaction.

Industrial rubber workers exposed for a longer period of time.

People underwent multiple surgical procedures.

Detecting and treating delayed hypersensitivity reaction involves placing latex preservatives on the skin and performing standard patch test. This also brings possibilities of immediate reaction. Other than skin test, blood test is also made available to detect immediate reaction of latex allergy which is expensive and also time consuming.

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