Thursday, June 2, 2011

Nickel Allergy | Uses and Abuse of Ferromagneticelement - Nickel

Alex Fredrik cronstedt, in 1751, discovered Nickel. It is one of the four ferromagnetic elements. It appears as a silvery-white lustrous metal with gold tinge. The malleability and ductility of nickel has influenced itself in the manufacture of coins, as plating, also as a catalyst for hydrogenation- a chemical reaction, in the manufacture of common household utensils. Apart from these, nickel is also present in foodstuffs in meagre to considerable amount. Chocolate, fat, cigarette are some of the edible instances consumed by human being.
Breathing air, drinking water, smoke from the cigarette are the possible and positive aspects to nickel exposure which in excess will cause nickel allergy. Thus, high exposure and consumption of nickel will create a condition called nickel allergy which is abusive and hazardous effects to human beings.

Smoking higher quantity of cigarettes accumulate larger amount of nickel in lungs which may lead to lung cancer, nose cancer, larynx cancer, etc. Apart from carcinogenic effects asthma, chronic bronchitis, lung embolism, respiratory failure is some other additional effects of nickel exposure via smoke.

Negligible amount of nickel is incorporated in making jewels will causes skin rashes in susceptible individuals. Nickel itch is characterized by itching, followed by erythematic or follicular eruption and finally ends in skin ulceration. Nickel allergy test or patch test are some of the tests for the allergic reactions to nickel.


Avoiding contact with nickelated material, applying vinegar compress on blisters developed due to nickel allergy. Intake of antibiotic pills will cure systemic infection. Also external application of emollient creams are recommended for infected and itchy areas.

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