Sodium is a well known element as a constituent atom of the common salt molecule. Sodium is important for he human body. It is present in the blood and maintains its alkalinity. It is also essential for the proper functioning of different organs. It cures ulcers in stomach, dissolves deposits in gall bladder, ears and joints and thus is good for arthritis. Sodium regulates water and acid balance in urine and blood. It promotes absorption of nutrients and has a role in functions of nervous and muscular system.
The salt that we consume has 40% sodium and the rest is chorine. Besides this, most prepared foods contain the element in the form of Monosodium glutamine (MSG), medications like painkillers, antacids, sleeping pills and laxatives contain sodium. Still, sodium supplements are available and are used. Let’s see why.
Although 220 mg of sodium a day is needed by the human body, which amounts to 1/10th of a teaspoonful, people are still found to suffer its deficiency. This can result into excessive fluid loss, muscle weakness, nausea, cramps etc. The sodium levels in the body can be depleted due to excessive sweating, severe burns, vomiting and diarrhea and overuse of diuretics.
In case of such conditions arising, a doctor may recommend sodium supplements. But, one should avoid taking sodium supplements without the doctor’s recommendation. In case they are prescribed by your dietitian, sodium supplements ought to be taken in small amounts that are appropriate for nutritional purposes.
The salt that we consume has 40% sodium and the rest is chorine. Besides this, most prepared foods contain the element in the form of Monosodium glutamine (MSG), medications like painkillers, antacids, sleeping pills and laxatives contain sodium. Still, sodium supplements are available and are used. Let’s see why.
Although 220 mg of sodium a day is needed by the human body, which amounts to 1/10th of a teaspoonful, people are still found to suffer its deficiency. This can result into excessive fluid loss, muscle weakness, nausea, cramps etc. The sodium levels in the body can be depleted due to excessive sweating, severe burns, vomiting and diarrhea and overuse of diuretics.
In case of such conditions arising, a doctor may recommend sodium supplements. But, one should avoid taking sodium supplements without the doctor’s recommendation. In case they are prescribed by your dietitian, sodium supplements ought to be taken in small amounts that are appropriate for nutritional purposes.
Bear in mind that high intake of sodium supplements may result in high blood pressure, strokes and several other problems in the internal organs ranging from nerves to muscles and brain.
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