Arthritis is one of the common problems that affect people of age, and is associated with problems in the movements and functioning of the bone joints in the body. The disease is also exists in over a hundred different types and thus, is one of the biggest threats to human beings at old age. The main arthritis symptoms and signs may vary according to the kind of arthritis, but there exist a number of common symptoms which can be the initial steps to diagnosing arthritis. These include the pains in joints and bones and stiffness in the bone joints. Other arthritis symptoms and signs include numbness in the joints and bones as well as restrictions in the movements in the body. All these signs and symptoms can be diagnosed to the arthritis.
Other arthritis symptoms and signsinclude sleep loss or insomnia, joint weakness and difficulty in walking. There are a number of other arthritis symptoms and signs like muscle weaknesses and tenderness in body. As a whole, any weakness in the body at old age can be a sign of arthritis. But the most noticeable arthritis symptoms and signs are pain the ankles and knees, especially during walking and the inability to life moderate loads due to pain in wrists and arm. These symptoms are a warning sign for the presence of arthritis in the person and should be immediately consulted with a doctor for diagnosis, prevention and medication. So, it is important to have knowledge of arthritis symptoms and signs.
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