Many people around the globe suffer from hair loss. This hair loss is most often a result of damage to the hair follicles. Folligen regenerates the hair follicles, hence it’s cleverly marketed name. Baldness is often a hereditary weakness in genetic design, and causes the individual to suffer from low self-esteem and low self-image. Folligen provides many people who suffer from both male and female pattern baldness relief and renewed confidence.
Folligen functions by providing increased speed to the renewal of scalp tissues, allowing them to recover properly from day to day damage. This is because Folligen belongs to a group of substances known as skin remodeling copper peptides. These substances are used to aid skin growth, hair growth, and dermal healing. Copper peptides such as Folligen do this by increasing the rate of speed at which regeneration of these tissues occurs. In addition to this benefit, Folligen also rebuilds your scalps acid mantle. This mix of natural oils and sweat acts as a lubricant for your skin, reducing friction on the scalp from wind, and protecting your skin from the sun by preventing dehydration. If you shampoo and condition your hair too frequently, this protective layer is removed from the scalp and leaves the skin weakened. It can also lead to an imbalance in the skins PH level, creating an acidic level that encourages the growth of fungi and other bacteria. For this reason Folligen works to both balance the PH of your scalps natural oils and provide an induction of Vitamin E and also to promote skin health
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