Psoriasis is a disease which shows many variations from individual to individual and even in the case of different body parts of a single person. Hence Psoriasis treatments for different parts of the body may be different.
Psoriasis treatments mainly depend on the nature and exposure of the skin affected. Thickness of the skin of a single individual will be different in different parts of the body. Usually in Psoriasis treatment, doctors rely more on steroid creams. The amount of steroid required for Psoriasis treatments in the case of tender skin may be much less compared to that needed in the case of thick skin. So it is not advisable to apply an ointment suggested for hands or elbow on face or genitals.
Psoriasis treatments mainly depend on the nature and exposure of the skin affected. Thickness of the skin of a single individual will be different in different parts of the body. Usually in Psoriasis treatment, doctors rely more on steroid creams. The amount of steroid required for Psoriasis treatments in the case of tender skin may be much less compared to that needed in the case of thick skin. So it is not advisable to apply an ointment suggested for hands or elbow on face or genitals.
Weather also is a factor which decides the potency of medicine to be applied. If a person develops Psoriasis at a certain place with a cold climate, the same quantity of medicine may not suit the same person when he gets the same type of disease at a different place with a different climate. It is especially so because Psoriasis is a disease very much influenced by heat and cold. The treatment is becoming more complicated also becaues the disease is having so many variations
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