Thursday, June 9, 2011

Cancer: Understanding the Symptoms

Since cancer is a serious and critical condition, this should not be taken for granted. The best fighting tool for cancer is prevention, and to prevent cancer it is very important to detect cancer as early as possible before it rapidly spreads. To detect cancer you should be aware of the cancer symptoms.
The known signs of cancer is having a lump of the thickening in the testicles or the breast, changes in a mole or wart, a persistent sore throat that doesn’t seem to heal or a skin sore, changes in bowel habits, coughing blood or the persistent coughing, trouble swallowing or the constant indigestion, vaginal discharge or unusual bleeding and the chronic fatigue. If you notice some of these symptoms then you should see a doctor to have a diagnosis.

Here are some of the cancer symptoms that might help you detect a specific kind of cancer:
  1. Bladder cancer: the presence of blood in the urine, having the pain or burning during urination; cloudy urine and the frequent urination.
  2. Bone cancer: having pain in the bone or the swelling around the area which is affected; bone fractures; fatigues; weakness; weight loss; repeated infections; vomiting; nausea; constipation; weakness or leg numbness; persistent bumps and bruises.
  3. Brain cancer: abnormal eye movement or some changes in vision; dizziness; drowsiness; weakness; difficulties in walking or loss of feelings in arms and legs; changes in personality, speech and memory; headaches that is worst in the morning but tends to ease during the day.
  4. Breast cancer: lump or breast thickening; discharge from the nipple; feeling of heat.
These are only some of the cancer symptoms that might help you identify if you have cancer or not.

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